Hyperacusis and Tinnitus treatment using hypnosis

hyperacusisHyperacusis and Tinnitus

Hyperacusis and tinnitus are conditions that are often related. That is, people that have one often have the other. Like any disorder that involves the senses, there is psychological component. That’s why hypnosis can be an effective treatment for hyperacusis or tinnitus.

People with hyperacusis are overly sensitive to certain frequencies and the volume levels of sound. In its severest form, a person with hyperacusis has a difficult time tolerating everyday sounds. Sounds that others consider normal can be unpleasant or painfully loud to a person with hyperacusis.

Hyperacusis can be caused because of injury or damage to the inner ear. In cases not involving aural trauma to the inner ear, hyperacusis can also be acquired because of damage to the brain or the neurological system.

Although rare, hyperacusis may also be the result of a vestibular system disorder. This type of hyperacusis,

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