The Power Of Your Subconscious Mind Unleashed by Hypnosis

subconsciousIntroduction  by George Barron:  The best selling Book, The Power Of Your Subconscious Mind , by Joseph Murphy, introduces some of the many benefits of understanding how your subconscious mind works.

Those who know how to channel their thoughts toward their goals and use their subconscious mind’s power to their advantage. In reality, it is the key to unlocking any and all of life’s successes and the secret of the ages. For this reason, hypnosis for oneself can be an extremely helpful technique.

Self-hypnosis may be helpful for short-term goals, but learning how your mind truly functions is the key to living a rich and fulfilling existence. For as long as we can remember, people have suspected that one’s thoughts could influence the outcomes of certain occurrences. Unlocking the power of your subconscious mind is essential for achieving anything you desire, praying, meditating, self-talking, positive thinking, or even lucid dreaming.

If you read on in this timeless masterpiece, you will gain a deeper insight into how life truly functions. Moreover, if you put what you read here into practice, you will have “the keys to the enchanted kingdom” and the secret of the ages.

Joseph Murphy’s The Power of Your Subconscious Mind contains the following chapters; I hope you enjoy them and get insight from them.

If you get as much out of this book as I did, it will mean it has accomplished its purpose.  George Barron may rephrase and add additional information to the text (in italics) for emphasis, clarity, or updating, and he will also suggest hypnosis sessions that are relevant to the topics at hand. If you want to rank higher in search engines, you can choose to rename the chapters. Your ability to control your subconscious depends on your familiarity with its inner workings.

The POWER of Your Subconscious Mind
Joseph Murphy D.R.S., D.D., Ph.D., LL.D., Rephrased by George Barron

As a traveler, I have witnessed miracles occurring to people from all walks of life in different parts of the world. When you start tapping into the miraculous potential of your unconscious mind, miraculous things will start to happen to you, too. As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he, and this book aims to instill in you the knowledge that your thoughts and images shape your life’s trajectory.

How about you? Do you have the solutions?
When one man is depressed, why does another smile? What makes one man happy and successful while another is destitute and unhappy? How come one man is full of doubt and anxiety while another is sure of himself? How come one man can afford a magnificent, opulent house, while another must make do with a shack in the city? How come one man can achieve so much while another can only dream of success? The question is why one speaker can be wildly successful while another can only manage moderate success. Why does one individual excel at his chosen field while his counterpart seems to spend his entire life toiling away at nothing? For what reason was one man cured of an allegedly fatal illness while another was not? How come so many morally upright religious individuals experience the inner anguish of the lost souls? Why do so many amoral and religiously uncommitted people live long, happy lives? Why is one woman content in her marriage while her sister is miserable and resentful?

Do your internal mental processes offer any insight into these issues? Absolutely!

The healing power of your subconscious mind may restore your health and vitality and even help you overcome illness. The key to escaping the cage of fear and entering the life Paul calls the wonderful liberty of the sons of God is mastering your own inner energies.

Activating the miraculous force
The power of our subconscious is best demonstrated in a successful personal recovery. Over forty-two years ago, I used the power of my subconscious mind, which formed me and now maintains and directs all my important functions, to cure a tumor called a sarcoma. This book elaborates on the method I used, and I believe it will encourage readers to put their faith in the same Infinite Healing Presence that resides in the depths of every man’s psyche. As I lay in the hospital bed of my friend the doctor, I had a sudden epiphany: it was only reasonable to expect that the same Creative Intelligence that built my body, fashioned my organs, and began my heart would also be able to repair its own work. According to an old adage, “The doctor dresses the wound and God heals it.”

When people pray effectively, miraculous things happen.
To pray scientifically is to bring together your conscious and subconscious minds in a way that is purposeful and harmonious. This book will show you how to use science to access your own own wellspring of unlimited power, opening the door to the fulfillment of all your deepest desires. Your heart’s desire is to experience greater joy and fulfillment. Now is the time to put this miraculous ability to work for you, helping you succeed in business and create peace at home. Read this book through at least twice. Each of the numerous chapters explains how this incredible ability functions and provides practical advice for unlocking your own innate creativity and sagacity. Master the easy methods of influencing and tapping into your unconscious mind. Use the latest scientific methods to unlock this limitless resource. Please take your time reading this book and do so with all your heart. Show yourself the incredible benefits it can provide. This event has the potential to, and probably will serve as, a watershed moment in your life.

Prayer is something that everyone does.
Can you pray like a pro? When was the last time you prayed regularly as part of your routine? Prayers, both personal and communal, flow freely in times of crisis, peril, disease, and impending death. Simply take in today’s newspaper. It has been reported that people all around the country are praying for a child with an allegedly incurable disease, for world peace, and for a group of miners who are stuck in a flooded mine. The rescued miners later claimed they prayed while waiting for help, and a pilot also claimed to have prayed before a safe emergency landing. You don’t have to wait for hardship to make prayer an integral and constructive part of your life; it will be there for you at all times.

Testimonies to the power of prayer often center on high-profile examples of answered prayer. What about the many prayers of innocence, the daily grace before meals, the unwavering devotions that want nothing more than a moment alone with God? Because of my line of work, I’ve had to educate myself on many schools of thought when it comes to praying for others. Personally, I have felt prayer’s efficacy, and in my professional and personal interactions, I have met countless others who have benefited from prayer as well. When trying to instruct people in prayer, it might be difficult to convey the proper form.

When under stress, it’s hard to make rational decisions. They require a basic formula, a clear, concise, and logical plan of action. Most of the time, people need to be coaxed into dealing with the crisis.

Specific to this book is
This book stands out from the crowd due to its focus on real-world application. Simple, practical methods and formulas are offered here that can be immediately put to use in your daily life. I have shared these easy methods with people all around the world, and just recently, more than a thousand people from all walks of life and faiths gathered in Los Angeles to hear me speak on the core ideas provided here. Several students traveled over two hundred miles to attend each session. This book will pique your interest due to its unique qualities, which explain why you don’t always obtain what you pray for and provide insight into possible solutions. From all corners of the globe and by the millions, people have asked me the same thing: “Why is it that I have prayed and prayed and had no answer?” The root causes of this widespread gripe are explored in detail in this book. The book’s wealth of advice on how to win over the unconscious and find the solutions you’re looking for makes it an invaluable resource.

Your thoughts?
The answer to a man’s prayer does not come from the thing he believes in, but rather from the response of his subconscious mind to the mental picture or thought he has formed in his head. Because of this universal law of belief, all major world religions can be seen as having some degree of psychological veracity. Belief or mental acceptance and receptivity about that for which one prays is all that is necessary for one to receive a response to one’s prayers, regardless of one’s religious affiliation, ritual, ceremony, formula, liturgy, incantation, sacrifices, or offerings.

Related Hypnosis Session: 10 Steps to Overcoming Negativity 

The law of life is the law of belief, and belief could be summed up briefly as a thought in your mind. As a man thinks, feels, and believes, so is the condition of his mind, body, and circumstances. A technique, a methodology based on an understanding of what you are doing and why you are doing it will help you to bring about a subconscious embodiment of all the good things of life. Essentially, answered prayer is the realization of your heart’s desire.

Desire is prayer
Everyone desires health, happiness, security, peace of mind, true expression, but many fail to achieve clearly defined results. A university professor admitted to me recently, “I know that if I changed my mental pattern and redirected my emotional life, my ulcers would not recur, but I do not have any technique, process, or modus operandi. My mind wanders back and forth on my many problems, and I feel frustrated, defeated, and unhappy.” This professor had a desire for perfect health; he needed knowledge of the way his mind worked which would enable him to fulfill his desire. By practicing the healing methods outlined in this book, he became whole and perfect.

There is one mind common to all individual men (Emerson)
The miracle working powers of your subconscious mind existed before you and I were
born, before any church or world existed. The great eternal truths and principles of life
antedate all religions. It is with these thoughts in mind that I urge you in the following
chapters to lay hold of this wonderful, magical, transforming power, which will bind up
mental and physical wounds, proclaim liberty to the fear ridden mind, and liberate
you completely from the limitations of poverty, failure, misery, lack, and frustration. All
you have to do is unite mentally and emotionally with the good you wish to embody, and
the creative powers of your subconscious will respond accordingly. Begin now, today, let
wonders happen in your life!

Keep on, keeping on until the day breaks and the shadows flee away.

You are reading The Power Of Your Subconscious Mind by Joseph Murphy

>>> Next Chapter: The Treasure House Within You

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