The Loneliness Of Low Self Esteem

low-self-esteemOne of the most insightful quotes from the famous writer and philosopher, Mark Twain is:

“The worst loneliness is to not be comfortable with yourself.”

Psychologists and psychiatrists would agree that Mark Twain really hit the nail on the head  when he wrote about how agonizing it is to not feel comfortable in your own skin.

It is the loneliness of low self esteem. And it affects so many people that it’s almost a worldwide epidemic.

If you’ve been grappling with your own low self esteem problem then another Mark – Mark Tyrrell – has something for you that will certainly help.

Mark Tyrrell used to tour the country teaching healthcare workers how to boost their self esteem. He’s published a book and numerous articles on the subject and regularly writes articles and blog posts on the subject. All that experience, added to the fact that he is a licensed and registered hypnotherapist, makes him one of the worlds foremost experts on lifting people from the loneliness of low self esteem.

And now he’s put some of the best ideas for helping people out of low self esteem into a free video presentation:

self-esteem-videoBy watching ‘Solid Self Esteem‘ you’ll discover:

  • Why ‘affirmations’ don’t work (and what to do instead).
  • How low self esteem makes you appear too sure of yourself.
  • Why you make yourself feel bad by taking more than your share of the blame pie.
  • How to meet your emotional needs in positive ways.

Please take the time to watch Mark’s video, and rid yourself of that ‘worst loneliness’ of all – low self esteem.