Study: Happiness is personal choice – not based on conditions

Smily-on-beachI have a friend who is constantly happy.

No matter how stressed people are around her, she always finds something positive to focus on.

And this got me thinking about happiness and how much control we really have over the way we feel in our daily lives.

Is she just more naturally disposed to being happy?

The happiness choice:

According to a 2015 Harvard study, you can be happier if you choose to be happy, whatever your current situation is. (1)

Its three main findings were:

Choose happiness in whatever you do.
Strengthen your closest relationships.
Take care of yourself physically, financially and emotionally.
These factors are within your control, and while external circumstances will always have an effect on you, they don’t have to rule your happiness levels.

When I looked at my friend’s life more closely, I saw that she does indeed exercise regularly, and while everything might not always be perfect in her life, she puts a lot of effort into her close relationships, meaning she always has solid support when the going gets tough.

And to give you an extra helping hand our Happy Days audio hypnosis download transforms your attitude to the “humdrum” of everyday life, so you can give yourself a happiness boost whenever you need it.

Interesting statistics from the study are found  in this article from Forbes  Magazine.

To daily positivity,

Roger Elliott
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