Vaginismus Can Be Cured With Relaxation and Hypnosis Therapy

When the muscles of the vagina involuntarily or persistently contract, making sexual penetration difficult, it’s a condition called vaginismus. Such contractions can make sexual intercourse impossible or very painful.

Vaginismus is most likely to occur as a partner attempts to penetrate the vagina or even when a woman is touched near the area. It can also occur when inserting a tampon. The condition should not be confused with the lack of sexual desire, which is an entirely different matter.

When a doctor performs a gentle pelvic exam typically no cause of the contractions will be found. In other words, there’s usually no physical reason for the contractions to occur. That’s why some sort of counseling, including hypnosis therapy can be effective in bringing about a cure.

Different forms of sexual dysfunction can occur in both males and females and most cases can be treated effectively. There’s no blame to be assumed and having the condition is nothing to be ashamed of. Still, sexual problems of any kind can interfere with your relationships and your quality of life.

Medical researchers have been unable to determine the percentage of women who actually suffer from vaginismus. It may be that women are hesitant to report it to their doctors but the condition is considered to be uncommon.

The Two Types Of Vaginismus 

• Primary Vaginismus: This is when penetration of the vagina cannot be achieved
• Secondary Vaginismus: When penetration of the vagina was achievable at one time, but is no longer possible, potentially due to factors such as gynecologic surgery, trauma, or radiation therapy.

There are women who develop vaginismus after menopause. That’s because estrogen levels may fall to a point where the hormone causes a lack of vaginal lubrication and elasticity making intercourse painful, stressful, or not able to occur at all. This can then lead to vaginismus in a number of women.

Dyspareunia Is Different

Dyspareunia is medical terminology for pain  during sexual intercourse. It’s often confused with vaginismus, but dyspareunia could be due to cysts, pelvic inflammatory disease, or vaginal atrophy. These are physical conditions and as explained earlier, vaginismus is typically not caused by physical issues.

Some Causes Of Vaginismus
There’s not always an apparent reason for vaginismus. The condition has been linked to past sexual abuse or trauma, past painful intercourse, and emotional factors. In many cases, no direct cause can be found. This points to another reason why self hypnosis has been found to be effective. Sometimes the reason is hidden within the subconscious – unknown to even the one who suffers from it.

If you decide to seek medical treatment your doctor will give you a physical exam and ask about your medical and sexual history. These histories can help to reveal insights into the underlying cause of your contractions.

Primary Symptoms
An involuntary tightening of the vaginal muscles is the primary symptom of vaginismus. However, the severity of that general symptom can vary between women. In all cases, because of the constriction of the vagina, penetration is difficult or impossible. If you have vaginismus, have no control and you can’t stop the contractions of your vaginal muscles.

Hypnosis Treatment 
Vaginismus is a treatable disorder. Treatment usually includes education, counseling, exercises and learning about relaxation therapies, including self-hypnosis. Hypnosis for vaginismus is particularly effective when it’s combined with knowledge about your anatomy and how your body functions during arousal and actual intercourse.

During light hypnosis you will learn to accept and discover your body in new ways. You will become more relaxed, not only during sexual moments, but in general.  The treatment is best done by listening to the audio sessions once daily for about a week and then once every other day or two. You can find out about using hypnosis to cure your vaginismus by reading more about it at Hypnosis Downloads.

More Reading:


The Mayo Clinic

Other Hypnosis Audios For Sexual Issues