A Flexible Attitude Will Enhance Your Life

You will get along and go a long way if you have a flexible attitude.

A proud and gorgeous eagle once made its home among a group of people who had never seen a bird of prey, according to an old legend. At first, they were astounded and enthralled. Yet, as you’ll see, they’re not very adaptable in their worldview.

But, they had developed a distinct image of what a “proper bird” should resemble based on the species of birds they were familiar with. Of fact, the eagle hardly lived up to their preconceived ideas. But it’s okay! They made the decision to attempt to “repair” the problem.

They removed its beak, trimmed its wings to the “correct” sizes, and even painted its feathers the “appropriate” hues. All in an effort to make the haughty raptor seem like they felt a bird ought to look.

Even as they took a step back to examine their job and expressed satisfaction, they said as much. “Now there’s a bird that looks like a bird!”

Although the eagle no longer had the ability to fly, it now resembled their conception of a bird.

This tale can be used to discuss everything from relationships to political systems. On a personal level, though, circumstances frequently emerge in which we try to bend reality to fit our expectations – we believe “it has to be like this, or that,” and as a result, we suffer the repercussions.

If you want to see more of the true potential for beauty and movement in life, try our Flexible Attitude download.

Humor, creativity, wit, optimism, or just being a fun person to be with, all spring from flexibility of mind. Give it a try.

To having more options,

Roger Elliott
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