Don’t Let Your Emotions Bully You

Here’s a simple story about emotions that is rather profound and possibly life-changing.

Once there was an old farmer that although he was poor was very wise. One day, his only horse which he cherished, ran away and his neighbors gathered at his house to expresstheir many condolences:

Their chorus of sympathy was, “What terrible luck to fall upon you.”

But the old farmer just smiled and said:, “Maybe so.”

The very next morning something miraculous happened. To everyone’s amazement, the farmer’s horse returned bringing three other beautiful and healthy wild horses with it.

Upon see this, the neighbors now said, “What wonderful luck you have!”

But once again, the only thing that the the old man would say was, “Maybe.”

The following morning the old farmer’s son tried to mount one of the wild stallions. He fell off and broke his leg. The neighbors once again came to him to offer more condolences. “We feel so sorry for you and your son! What misfortune!”

But of course the old farmer just said, “Maybe!”

The next day some military officers came to the village in search of strong, physically fit young men. The King of their land was scouting for conscripts to use in an unjust, ill fated and hopeless war. On seeing the old farmer’s son, who was usually fit but now had a broken leg, they passed him by.

The neighbors were excited for the farmer and congratulated him on how well things had turned out.

“Maybe,” said the farmer. And the story continues in the same manner.

Strong emotions can make us jump to perilous and self defeating conclusions. In this way they bully and even tyrannize us. The depressed person jumps to hopeless conclusions, the person with anger riding on their back is convinced of their rightness. To see life more realistically so that we can master more situations we need to relax the tendency to prematurely assume.

If you, like most of us, sometimes feel you could usefully hold off from leaping to conclusions why not try our ‘Don’t jump to conclusions‘ hypnosis download.

Here’s to opening up to life, not shutting it down,

Roger Elliott
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