Your subconscious is waiting to help you go where you want to go. Only consciously trying to reach your goals is so difficult?
I’m assuming you are aware of what I’m referring to. Your objectives may begin with something like: You decide you want to accomplish something or travel somewhere in particular, but a few weeks later you start to question where all the motivation that got you started in the first place went.
For many of us, the propulsion system is the only factor contributing to our loss of momentum in achieving our goals. We simply “lost steam.”
You need continual, sustained, and powerful propulsion to achieve your goals, especially ones that require more than a few days.
A strong notion usually starts the process off in our conscious mind. The conscious mind makes statements such as:
I’m going to carry it out.
Why am I not working on this as I should be? “I must maintain my attention on this.”
This reminds me of a rowing boat, somehow. The propulsion disappears unless you constantly pull on the oars. Does that make sense to you? It almost feels like you have to start over if you don’t keep it running all the time.
The unconscious mind, however, functions differently from the conscious mind. That reminds me of a boat engine. When switched on, it continues to propel you forward until it is shut off. It can work on your behalf around-the-clock.
Hypnosis is then used in this situation. The secret to maintaining power is hypnosis, which happens automatically.
Because you can use the Reach Your Goals session to activate your unconscious propulsion once you’ve selected what you want to do, I find it to be quite helpful.
Download Reach Your Goals here and decide which of your goals to use it on first.
To moving forward, fast,
Roger Elliott
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