Reboot Your Your Brain With A Power Nap

Taking a power nap is wonderful idea – for many reasons. When you’re feeling drained and sleepy, it’s the best way to wake up and revive your mind. According to a recent study, a power nap significantly improves cognitive function and alertness compared to no nap at all. Additionally, it has been discovered to have significant health advantages. A power nap stimulates mood and creativity, enhances learning and memory, reduces stress, increases productivity and alertness, and even lowers the risk of heart disease.

We all understand, though, that not all power bases are created equal. There are times when, in the midst of a hectic workday, you take a quick nap and wake up feeling revitalized and prepared to face the world.

Other times, not so much—you have a power nap and wake up sluggish, sleepy, and even more worn out, as if you were in a “sleep inertia” state.

Using simple self-hypnosis techniques can help you optimize your power nap so that you get the most out of it.

Be Aware Of The 4-Step Sleep Cycle
There are four stages in the sleep cycle. We’re in a light rest at stage one, that strange transitional condition between awake and sleepy. In stage two, we become detached from our environment and fall asleep for real; during this time, our breathing and pulse rate are regular and we drift downward. Stages three and four are deep rest, during which your muscles are very relaxed, your breathing really slows down, and you go into rapid eye movement sleep. It’s after about 90 minutes of sleep that rapid eye movement occurs.

Which sleep stage you’re waking up in determines whether a nap is productive or ineffective. One and two stages are where the ideal slumber will be found. Stages three and four, deep sleep, not so much. Your circadian rhythm is disrupted, which causes your body to perceive a different time than it actually is. Actually, it resembles jet lag a lot.

Learning how to use hypnosis to take perfect control of your power nap can increase the benefits and help you avoid waking with that groggy feeling.